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Part 1 Real Analysis.
Set Topology, Banach and Hilbert Space, Measure Theory, Fourier Series and
Transforms, Distribution Theory, Locally Convex Spaces, Basics of
Probability Theory, Hausdorff Measure and Dimension.
Selected topics include Bernstein Polynomials, Pointwise Converge of Fourier Series, Lp spaces, Brownian Motion, Measures on Polish Spaces, Haar Measure, Convexity, Alexandroff–Hausdorff and Banach-Mazur theorems, Knaster–Kuratowski Fan, Krein Milman Theorem, moment problems, fixed point theorems including existence of invariant subspaces for compact operators, Hermite expansions, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, Riesz products, fundamental solutions of classical linear PDEs and the Malgrange-Ehrenpreis theorem, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, law of the iterated logarithm, Poisson processes, Markov chains, Carathéodory construction, inductive limits and ordinary distributions. |
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2a Basic Complex Analysis. Cauchy Integral
Theorem, Consequences of the Cauchy Integral Theorem (including
holomorphic iff analytic, Local Behavior, Phragmén-Lindelöf, Reflection
Principle, Calculation of Integrals), Montel, Vitali and Hurwitz’s
Theorems, Fractional Linear Transformations, Conformal Maps, Zeros and
Product Formulae, Elliptic Functions, Global Analytic Functions,
Picard’s Theorem. Selected topics include Goursat Argument, Ultimate and Ultra Cauchy Integral Formulas, Runge’s Theorem, complex interpolation, Marty’s Theorem, continued fraction analysis of real numbers, Riemann mapping theorem, Uniformization theorem (modulo results from Part 3), Mittag Leffler and Weirstrass product theorems, finite order and Hadamard product formula, Gamma function, Euler-Maclaurin Series and Stirling’s formula to all orders, Jensen’s formula and Blaschke products, Weierstrass and Jacobi elliptic functions, Jacobi theta functions, Paley-Wiener theorems, Hartog’s phenomenon, Poincaré’s theorem that in higher complex dimensions, the ball and polydisk are not conformally equivalent. |
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2b Advanced Complex Analysis. Conformal metric
methods, topics in analytic number theory, Fuchsian ODEs and
associated special functions, asymptotic methods, univalent functions,
Nevanlinna theory. Selected topics include Poincaré metric, Ahlfors-Robinson proof of Picard’s theorem, Bergmann kernel, Painlevé’s conformal mapping theorem, Jacobi 2- and 4-squares theorems, Dirichlet series, Dirichlet’s prime progression theorem, zeta function, prime number theorem, hypergeometric, Bessel and Airy functions, Hankel and Sommerfeld contours, Laplace’s method, stationary phase, steepest descent, WKB, Koebe function, Loewner evolution and introduction to SLE, Nevanlinna’s First and Second Main theorems. |
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3 Harmonic Analysis. Maximal functions and
pointwise limits, harmonic functions and potential theory, phase space
analysis, Hp spaces, more inequalities. Selected topics include Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, von Neumann and Birkhoff ergodic theorems, Weyl equidistribution, ergodicity of Gauss (continued fraction) map, ergodicity of geodesic flow on certain Riemann surfaces, Kingman subadditive ergodic theorem, Ruelle–Oseledec theorem, martingale convergence theorem, subharmonic functions, Perron’s method, spherical harmonics, Frostman’s theorem, Kellogg-Evans theorem, potential theory on Riemann surfaces, pseudo-differential operators, coherent states, wavelets, BMO, real interpolation and Marcinkiewicz theorem, Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities, Sobolev spaces, Calderón-Zygmund method, Calderón-Vaillancourt estimates, Hypercontractive and Log-Sobolev estimates, Lieb Thirring and CLR bounds, Tomas-Stein theorem. |
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4 Operator Theory. Eigenvalue Perturbation
Theory, Operator Basics, Compact Operators, Orthogonal Polynomials,
Spectral Theory, Banach Algebras, Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators. Selected topics include analytic functional calculus, polar decomposition, Hilbert-Schmidt and Riesz-Schauder theorems, Ringrose structure theorems, trace ideals, trace and determinant, Lidskii’s theorem, index theory for Fredholm operators, OPRL, OPUC, Bochner-Brenke theorem, Chebyshev polnomials, spectral measures, spectral multiplicity theory, trace class perturbations and Krein spectral shift, Gel’fand transform, Gel’fand-Naimark theorems, almost periodic functions, Gel’fand-Raikov and Peter-Weyl theorems, Fourier analysis on LCA groups, Wiener and Ingham tauberian theorems and the prime number theorem, Spectral and Stone’s theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators, von Neumann theory of self-adjoint extensions, quadratic forms, Birman-Krein-Vershik theory of self adjoint extensions, Kato’s inequality, Beurling-Deny theorems, moment problems, Birman-Schwinger principle. |