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Spectral Theory and
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Participants |
List of Participants
updated March 26, 2006
Last Name | First Name | Affiliation | Email Address | |
Aizenman | Michael | Princeton | aizenman at math.princeton.edu | |
Ashbaugh | Mark | University of Missouri at Columbia | mark at math.missouri.edu | |
Askey | Richard | University of Wisconsin at Madison | askey at math.wisc.edu | |
Avron | Yosi | Technion–Israel Institute of Technology | avron at physics.technion.ac.il | |
Babbitt | Donald | UCLA (Retired) | dgbabbitt at sbcglobal.net | |
Bachmann | Sven | ETH, Zurich | sbachmann at itp.phys.ethz.ch | |
Benguria | Rafael | Universidad Catolica de Chile | rbenguri at fis.puc.cl | |
Bennewitz | Christer | Lund University | christer.bennewitz at math.lu.se | |
Berezansky | Yuriy | Kiev Institute of Mathematics | berezan at mathber.carrier.kiev.ua | |
Borodin | Alexei | Caltech | borodin at caltech.edu | |
Borovyk | Vita | University of Missouri at Columbia | borovykv at math.missouri.edu | |
Bourgain | Jean | IAS, Princeton | bourgain at math.ias.edu | |
Bouten | Luc | Caltech | bouten at its.caltech.edu | |
Breuer | Jonathan | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | jbreuer at math.huji.ac.il | |
Brown | Malcolm | Cardiff University | malcolmb at cs.cf.ac.uk | |
Cai | Kaihua | IAS, Princeton | kaihua.cai at gmail.com | |
Cantero | Maria Jose | Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain | mjcante at unizar.es | |
Christiansen | Jacob | Caltech | stordal at caltech.edu | |
Chulaevsky | Victor | Université de Reims, France | victor.tchoulaevski at univ-reims.fr | |
Clark | Stephen | University of Missouri at Rolla | sclark at umr.edu | |
Conlon | Joseph | University of Michigan | conlon at umich.edu | |
Cordes | Heinz | University of California at Berkeley | cordes at math.berkeley.edu | |
Core | Nolan | Caltech | ||
Corngold | Noel | Caltech | nrdc at caltech.edu | |
Crmaric | Tonci | Caltech | tonci at caltech.edu | |
Damanik | David | Caltech | damanik at caltech.edu | |
Davies | E. Brian | King's College London | E.Brian.Davies at kcl.ac.uk | |
Deift | Percy | Courant Institute, NYU | deift at cims.nyu.edu | |
del Rio | Rafael | IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico | delrio at leibniz.iimas.unam.mx | |
Denissov | Serguei | University of Wisconsin at Madison | denissov at math.wisc.edu | |
Dimofte | Tudor | Caltech | tdimofte at gmail.com | |
Dunne | Edward | American Mathematical Society | egd at ams.org | |
Ekholm | Tomas | Lisbon University | tomase at math.kth.se | |
Enblom | Andreas | Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | enblom at math.kth.se | |
Erdös | Laszlo | Mathematisches Institut der LMU, Munich | lerdos at mathematik.uni-muenchen.de | |
Eskin | Gregory | UCLA | eskin at math.ucla.edu | |
Faris | William | University of Arizona | faris at math.arizona.edu | |
Fefferman | Charles | Princeton | cf at math.princeton.edu | |
Figotin | Alexander | University of California at Irvine | afigotin at uci.edu | |
Fong | Pamela | Caltech | fong at caltech.edu | |
Frank | Rupert | KTH, Stockholm | rupert at math.kth.se | |
Froese | Richard | University of British Columbia | rfroese at math.ubc.ca | |
Fröhlich | Jürg | ETH, Zurich | juerg at itp.phys.ethz.ch | |
Fulton | Charles | Florida Institute of Technology | cfulton at fit.edu | |
Genoud | Francois | EPFL-SB-IACS-ANA, Switzerland | francois.genoud at epfl.ch | |
Gerard | Christian | Université Paris Sud, Orsay | christian.gerard at math.u-psud.fr | |
Gesztesy | Fritz | University of Missouri at Columbia | fritz at math.missouri.edu | |
Goldberg | Michael | Johns Hopkins University | mikeg at math.jhu.edu | |
Golinskii | Leonid | ILT, Kharkov, Ukraine | golinskii at ilt.kharkov.ua | |
Graf | Gian Michele | ETH, Zurich | gmgraf at itp.phys.ethz.ch | |
Guillot | Jean-Claude | Ecole Polytechnique | jean-claude.guillot14 at wanadoo.fr | |
Hagedorn | George | Virginia Tech | hagedorn at math.vt.edu | |
Hamza | Eman | University of Alabama at Birmingham | hamza at math.uab.edu | |
Hansson | Anders | KTH, Stockholm | anhan at math.kth.se | |
Harrell | Evans | Georgia Tech | harrell at math.gatech.edu | |
Hempel | Rainer | TU Braunschweig | r.hempel at tu-bs.de | |
Herbst | Ira | University of Virginia | iwh at virginia.edu | |
Hinz | Andreas | University of Munich | andreas.hinz at mathematik.uni-muenchen.de | |
Hitrik | Michael | UCLA | hitrik at math.ucla.edu | |
Hodas | Nathan | Caltech | hodas at its.caltech.edu | |
Holden | Helge | Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology | holden at math.ntnu.no | |
Hoshiro | Toshihiko | University of Hyogo, Japan | hoshiro at sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp | |
Hou | Thomas | Caltech | hou at acm.caltech.edu | |
Howland | James | University of Virginia | jameshowland at bellsouth.net | |
Hryniv | Rostyslav | IAPMM, Lviv, Ukraine | rhryniv at iapmm.lviv.ua | |
Hundertmark | Dirk | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | dirk at math.uiuc.edu | |
Iantchenko | Alexei | Malmö | ai at ts.mah.se | |
Iftime | Mihaela | MCPHS & BUCenter for Einstein Studies | miftime at bu.edu | |
Jaksic | Vojkan | McGill University | jaksic at math.mcgill.ca | |
Jitomirskaya | Svetlana | University of California at Irvine | szhitomi at math.uci.edu | |
Kalf | Hubert | Universität München | kalf at mathematik.uni-muenchen.de | |
Kang | Yang | University of California at Irvine | ykang at math.uci.edu | |
Karpeshina | Yulia | University of Alabama at Birmingham | karpeshi at math.uab.edu | |
Kawahigashi | Yasuyuki | University of Tokyo | yasuyuki at ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp | |
Khrushchev | Sergey | Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey | svk_49 at yahoo.com | |
Killip | Rowan | UCLA | killip at math.ucla.edu | |
Kim | Ahyoung | University of Wisconsin at Madison | akim at math.wisc.edu | |
Kirsch | Werner | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | werner at mathphys.ruhr-uni-bochum.de | |
Kiselev | Alexander | University of Wisconsin at Madison | kiselev at math.wisc.edu | |
Klein | Abel | University of California at Irvine | aklein at math.uci.edu | |
Kondratieva | Margarita | Memorial University of Newfoundland | mkondra at math.mun.ca | |
Kordyukov | Yuri | Institute of Mathematics RAS, Ufa, Russia | ykordyukov at yahoo.com | |
Koslover | Deborah | University of Texas at Tyler | dkoslover at uttyler.edu | |
Kovaleva | Margarita | Moscow State University | coolmargo at gmail.com | |
Krishna | Maddaly | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India | krishna at imsc.res.in | |
Kritchevski | Evgenij | McGill University | ekritc at math.mcgill.ca | |
Kriz | Jan | Univ. of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic | jan.kriz at uhk.cz | |
Lambers | James | Stanford University | lambers at stanford.edu | |
Lapidus | Michel | University of California at Riverside | lapidus at math.ucr.edu | |
Laptev | Ari | KTH, Stockholm | laptev at math.kth.se | |
Last | Yoram | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | ylast at math.huji.ac.il | |
Latushkin | Yuri | University of Missouri at Columbia | yuri at math.missouri.edu | |
Lee | Young-Ran | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | yrlee4 at math.uiuc.edu | |
Lenz | Daniel | TU Chemnitz | dlenz at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de | |
Liaw | Constanze | Brown University | conni at math.brown.edu | |
Love | Thomas | Cal State University Dominguez Hills | tlove at csudh.edu | |
Lutz | Donald | San Diego State University | lutzmath at hotmail.com | |
Makarov | Konstantin | University of Missouri at Columbia | makarov at math.missouri.edu | |
Matolcsi | Mate | Renyi Institute, Budapest | matomate at renyi.hu | |
Michelangeli | Alessandro | SISSA, Trieste, Italy | alemiche at sissa.it | |
Mlodinow | Leonard | Alexei Nicolai Inc | lmlodinow at aol.com | |
Moller | Jacob Schach | Aarhus University, Denmark | jacob at imf.au.dk | |
Naboko | Sergey | St.Petersburg State University | naboko at math.uab.edu | |
Nenciu | Irina | Courant Institute, NYU | nenciu at cims.nyu.edu | |
Nevai | Paul | The Ohio State University | nevai at math.ohio-state.edu | |
Noja | Diego | Universita di Milano Bicocca | diego.noja at unimib.it | |
Ogata | Yoshiko | UC Davis & University of Tokyo | ogata at ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp | |
Ooguri | Hirosi | Caltech | ooguri at theory.caltech.edu | |
Papanicolaou | Vassilis | National Technical University of Athens | papanico at math.ntua.gr | |
Pavlov | Boris | The University of Auckland | pavlov at math.auckland.ac.nz | |
Perry | Peter | University of Kentucky at Lexington | perry at ms.uky.edu | |
Pinchover | Yehuda | Technion–Israel Institute of Technology | pincho at tx.technion.ac.il | |
Porter | Mason | Caltech | mason at caltech.edu | |
Poulin | Philippe | McGill University | ppoulin at math.mcgill.ca | |
Pushnitski | Alexander | King's College London | pushn at mth.kcl.ac.uk | |
Ralston | James | UCLA | ralston at math.ucla.edu | |
Reed | Michael | Duke University | reed at math.duke.edu | |
Rees | Howard | Center for Communications Research | rees at idaccr.org | |
Reinhardt | William | University of Washington at Seattle | rein at chem.washington.edu | |
Remling | Christian | University of Oklahoma | cremling at math.ou.edu | |
Richard | Serge | University of Lyon | srichard at math.univ-lyon1.fr | |
Robinson | Derek | Australian National University | derek.robinson at anu.edu.au | |
Rosen | Lon | University of British Columbia | lmrosen at telus.net | |
Ruskai | Mary Beth | Tufts University and Perimeter Institute | Marybeth.Ruskai at tufts.edu | |
Sadov | Sergey | Memorial University of Newfoundland | sergey at math.mun.ca | |
Schlag | Wilhelm | Caltech | schlag at caltech.edu | |
Schulteis | Melinda | Concordia University, Irvine | melinda.schulteis at cui.edu | |
Seco | Luis | University of Toronto | seco at math.utoronto.ca | |
Segert | Jan | University of Missouri at Columbia | jan at math.missouri.edu | |
Seiler | Erhard | Max-Planck-Institut, Munich | ehs at mppmu.mpg.de | |
Shamis | Mira | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | shamis at math.huji.ac.il | |
Shin | Kwang | University of Missouri at Columbia | kcshin at math.missouri.edu | |
Simon | Barry | Caltech | bsimon at caltech.edu | |
Simon | Richard | Urban Engineers | rick at familysimon.net | |
Sims | Robert | UC Davis | rjsims at math.ucdavis.edu | |
Skripka | Anna | University of Missouri at Columbia | skripkaa at math.missouri.edu | |
Sobolev | Alexander | University of Birmingham, UK | asobolev at maths.bham.ac.uk | |
Sontz | Stephen | CIMAT, Mexico | sontz at cimat.mx | |
Starr | Shannon | UCLA | sstarr at math.ucla.edu | |
Stoiciu | Mihai | Williams College | mstoiciu at williams.edu | |
Stollmann | Peter | TU Chemnitz | stollman at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de | |
Stolz | Gunter | University of Alabama at Birmingham | stolz at math.uab.edu | |
Strahov | Evgeny | Caltech | strahov at caltech.edu | |
Teschl | Gerald | University of Vienna | gerald.teschl at univie.ac.at | |
Thomas | James | Cardiff University | thomasjc1 at cardiff.ac.uk | |
Totik | Vilmos | U. of South Florida & U. of Szeged, Hungary | totik at shell.cas.usf.edu | |
Truman | Aubrey | University of Wales of Swansea | a.truman at swansea.ac.uk | |
Tsekanovskii | Eduard | Niagara University | tsekanov at niagara.edu | |
Umeda | Tomio | University of Hyogo, Japan | umeda at sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp | |
Van de Wetering | R. Lee | San Diego State University | vanwet at sciences.sdsu.edu | |
Van Handel | Ramon | Caltech | ramon at its.caltech.edu | |
Verstraete | Frank | Caltech | verstrae at caltech.edu | |
Weisfeld | Morris | IMRN/IMRP | weisfeld at duke.edu | |
Wong | Lilian | Caltech | wongmw at caltech.edu | |
Yaffe | Laurence | University of Washington at Seattle | yaffe at phys.washington.edu | |
Yajima | Kenji | Gakushuin University, Japan | kenji.yajima at gakushuin.ac.jp | |
Yamada | Osanobu | Ritsumeikan University, Japan | yamadaos at se.ritsumei.ac.jp | |
Yard | Jon | Caltech | jtyard at gmail.com | |
Yildirim | Selma | Georgia Tech | selma at math.gatech.edu | |
Zhang | Qi | UC Riverside | qizhang at math.ucr.edu | |
Zinchenko | Maxim | University of Missouri at Columbia | maxim at math.missouri.edu | |
Zlatos | Andrej | University of Wisconsin at Madison | zlatos at math.wisc.edu | |
Zyskin | Maxim | University of Bristol | M.Zyskin at bristol.ac.uk |
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