I.B.M. Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Emeritus
To downlaod copies of Barry’s papers for private use, click here
For Barry's Books on Amazon
click here
Online Selecta
Barry becomes a SIAM Fellow so a trifecta (with APS in 1981 and AMS in 2013) 
David Zierler, Director of the Caltech Heritage Project did 14 hours of interviews with Barry with Audio Files on YouTube and a corrected transcript (which is quicker to process) at Caltech's website
From the 75th birthday (Zoom) conference: Video of Vingettes afte the Scientific Talks
Barry elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences NAS Press Release Caltech Press Release
Nature Interview with Barry
The mathematician who helped to reshape physics Nature 584 (2020) 20 (Aug 6, 2020) Online Downloadable PDF
In 2019, Springer published Loewner's Theorem on Matrix Monotone Functions, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 354, 2019 [order page]
Barry wins AIP/APS Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physcs AIP Announcement APS Full Prize List Caltech Press Release APS Page of All Winners
AMS Notices Articles in August and September 2016 issues, Download: Full August (with cover of Barry), Part 1, Part 2, or combined -- IAMP Bulletin Version Caltech Interview with Barry
wins AMS Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement! AMS Announcement.
Press Release. OP-SF
Net Announcement. AMS
Page of All Winners. AMS
Notices Report on Prize
70th birthday conference at Fields
Institute (Toronto) and CRM
(Montreal) -- August
22-September 1, 2016.
From the 70th birthday conference: Video of Banquet Talks Poems (or approximations thereof) for Barry
the second half of 2015, the AMS published Barry’s 5 Volume A Comprehensive Course in
Analysis all at the same time. Here is a preview.
Here is the facebook
Here is the order page.
You can download the Ultimate Companion here. Here is a review from MAA Reviews and from Notices AMS .
wins Bolyai
Prize. Pictures from the
Prize Ceremony. Barry's acceptance
talk Totik Article on.the prize Hungarain Academy Interview
Barry wins
Poincaré Prize.
For the web page of Barry’s book on convexity, click
For the web page of Barry’s book on Szegö’s theorem, click
For the web page of Barry’s OPUC book, click
For Paul Nevai’s review of Barry’s OPUC book, click
Corrected and extended 2nd printing of Schrödinger
Operators with Application to Quantum Mechanics and Global Geometry by
H. Cycon, R. Froese, W. Kirsch, and B. Simon is now
Click here
for a complete list of B. Simon’s publications with links to MathSciNet
and articles.
For Barry’s CV, click here
and for a pdf bibliography, click here
Click here
for picture of Barry with Mike Reed (of Reed-Simon) at Reed’s 65th
birthday celebration, May 2007.
An historic picture
from a conference, circa 1983
For Program, Pictures, Video from SimonFest (held March, 2006), click
For picture of Swansea Honorary Fellowship (with Aubrey
Truman, taken July 2006), click here.
For pictures from Barry’s Honarary degree cermony in Munich
(and the associated visit to Munich), click here
A picture
from the
A.B., Harvard College, 1966
Ph.D. in Physics, Princeton University, 1970
D.Sc.h.c., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 1999
Honorary Fellow, University of Wales Swansea, 2006
D.h.c., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, 2014
Named Lectures
Milton Brockett Porter Lectures, Rice University, 2006
Sixth van Winter Memorial Lecture in Mathematical Physics, University
of Kentucky, 2006-2007
The Wolfgang Wasow Memorial Lecture, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, 2007
Sackler Lecture, Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2015
First Lars Ahlfors Lecture, Brigham Young University, 2016
University of Haifa Distinguished Lecture Series in Mathematics, 2018
Baylor Lectures Series in Mathematics, 2018
Lezioni Leonardesche, Milan, 2018
DeLong Lecture Series, University of Colorado, 2019-2020
Other Honors
1965 Putnam Competition Winner (top six group)
Sloan Foundation Fellow, 1972-76
Medal of International Academy of Atomic and Molecular Science, 1981
Fellow, American Physical Society, 1981
Stampacchia Prize, 1982
Guggenheim Fellowship, 1988-1989
Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1990
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005
Poincare Prize, IAMP, 2012
Fellow, American Mathematical Society, 2013 (initial class)
Simons Foundation Fellowship in Matheamtics, 2013
Bolyai Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2015
Steele Prize for Lifetime Acheivment, AMS, 2016
Madison High School Wall of Distinction, 2016 (previous honorees
include Ruth Ginsburg, Bernie Saunders, Chuck Schummer and "Judge" Judy
Dannie Heineman Prize in Mathematical Physics, AIP/APS, 2018
Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2019
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 2023
B. Simon’s
Graduate Students (and some of their theses)
Simon’s “Mentees”
Research Interests
Mathematical physics, especially Schrödinger operators and
Spectral Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials
Selected Recent Publications
- (with J. Christiansen and M. Zinchenko) Asymptotics of Chebyshev Polynomials, I. Subsets of R., Inv. Math, 208 (2017), 217-245
- A
Comprehensive Course in Analysis, Five Volumes, AMS, USA,
- Loewner's Theorem on Matrix Monotone Functions, Springer, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 354, (2019)
- (with A. Avila and Y. Last) Bulk universality and
clock spacing of zeros for ergodic Jacobi matrices with a.c. spectrum,
Analysis & PDE 3 (2010),
- (with D. Damanik and R. Killip)
Perturbations of orthogonal polynomials with periodic
recursion coefficients, Annals of Math. 171
(2010), 1931-2010
Selected Older Publications
- Resonances in n-body
quantum systems with dilatation analytic potentials and the foundations
of time-dependent perturbation theory, Annals of Math.
97 (1973), 247-274
- (with M. Reed) Methods of Modern Mathematical
Physics, Vol. I: Functional Analysis, Academic Press, 1972; Vol.
II: Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness, Academic Press, 1975;
Vol. III: Scattering Theory, Academic Press,
1978; Vol. IV: Analysis of Operators, Academic
Press, 1977
- (with F. Guerra and L. Rosen) The P(\phi)_2
quantum theory as classical statistical mechanics,
Annals of Math. 101 (1975), 111-259
- (with E. Lieb) The Thomas-Fermi theory of atoms,
molecules and solids, Advances in Math. 23
(1977), 22-116
- (with J. Fröhlich and T. Spencer) Infrared
bounds, phase transitions and continuous symmetry breaking,
Commun. Math. Phys. 50 (1976), 79-85
- (with P. Perry and I. Sigal) Spectral analysis of
multiparticle Schrödinger operators, Annals of Math. 114
(1981), 519-567
- (with M. Aizenman) Brownian motion and Harnack’s
inequality for Schrödinger operators, Commun. Pure Appl.
Math. 35 (1982), 209-273
- Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues,
II. Tunneling, Annals of Math. 120
(1984), 89-118
- Holonomy, the quantum adiabatic theorem and
Berry’s phase, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51
(1983), 2167-2170
- (with T. Wolff) Singular continuous spectrum
under rank one perturbations and localization for random Hamiltonians,
Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 39 (1986), 75-90
- Operators with singular continuous spectrum: I.
General operators, Annals of of Math. 141
(1995), 131-145
- The classical moment problem as a self-adjoint
finite difference operator, Advances in Math.
137 (1998), 82-203
- (with Y. Last) Eigenfunctions, transfer matrices,
and absolutely continuous spectrum of one-dimensional Schrödinger
operators, Invent. Math. 135
(1999), 329-367
- A new approach to inverse spectral theory, I.
Fundamental formalism, Annals of Math. 150 (1999),
- (with F. Gesztesy) A new approach to inverse
spectral theory, II. General real potentials and the connection to the
spectral measure, Annals of Math. 152 (2000),
- (with R. Killip) Sum rules for Jacobi matrices
and their applications to spectral theory, Annals of Math. 158
(2003), 253-321
- Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, Part 1:
Classical Theory, AMS Colloquium Publications, Vol. 54.1,
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI,
2005 [webpage]
- Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle, Part 2:
Spectral Theory, AMS Colloquium Publications, Vol. 54.2,
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2005 [webpage]
- Szegö’s Theorem and
Its Descendants: Spectral Theory for L2
Perturbations of Orthogonal Polynomials, M.B. Porter
Lectures, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2011 [webpage]
- (with D. Damanik) Jost functions and Jost
solutions for Jacobi matrices, I. A necessary and sufficient condition
for Szegö asymptotics, Invent. Math. 165
(2006), 1-50
Barry with a Calculus student’s most powerful
Non-Caltech Items
- Editorial Responsibilities
- Editor,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, for Schrödinger
Operators and Atomic Physics, 1979-2014
- Advisory Board, Communications
in Mathematical Physics, 2015-
- Editor,
Inverse Problems and Imaging
- Editor,
Journal of Approximation Theory
- Editor,
Journal of Evolution Equations
- Editor,
Journal of Operator Theory
- Editor,
Journal of Spectral Theory
- Editor,
Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, New
Mathematical Monographs,
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics
- Advisory Board, Springer Graduate
Texts in Mathematics
Go to the Directory
for mailing address, fax and telephone numbers, and e-mail address.
B. Simon’s complete list of publications
B. Simon’s
available from the arXiv.
here to get a listing of B. Simon’s papers from the AMS
MathSciNet with links to Mathematical Reviews.
(Note: You or your institution must have a valid
MathSciNet subscription.)
Schedule of mathematical physics seminars at Caltech
Department Home Page